One Stupid Fake of Sel Gomez!
Otra vez una falsa Selena Gomez
Esta es una chica que finge ser Selena
Razones de ser la real : Ninguna
Razones de ser una falsa : Nunca pone su webcam (Lo afirmo una fan), Cuando no crees en ella te insulta, Siempre le manda solicitudes a la verdadera selena (--selygomez--.hi5.com), Roba las fotos a otras chicas falsas, Usa un traductor, Tiene a celebridades falsas en sus amigos..Siempre envia mensajes a la real Selena Gomez insultandole
Por favor no crean en ella!!
Again a fake of Selena Gomez
This girl thinks that she is the real Selena Gomez
Reasons of be the real : None
Reasons of be a fake : She never put her webcam (says one fan),If you don't believe in her she says to you "YOU'RE SO STUPID!", She always send a request to the real Selena Gomez (--selygomez--.hi5.com), She steal photos of other fakes, She use a translate, She have as friends fakes, She always send a message to the real Selena Saying "YOU'RE A STUPID FAKE"
Please don't believe in her!!