Enocntramos a una chica falsa
que finge ser Alexa Nikolas
Razones de ser la real : Ninguna
Razones de ser una falsa : Siempre manda
solicitudes a la real Alexa...Roba fotos de otras
chicas falsas..Nunca pone su webcam..Tiene a
celebridades falsas..Si no crees en ella te insulta..
Porfavor no crean en ella
We found one girl
That think that she is the real Alexa Nikolas
Reason of be the real : None
Reasons of be a fake : Always send a request to the real Alexa Nikolas..
She copy images of other fakes..Never put her webcam..She have fakes
as friends..If you don't believe in her she says to you "IDIOT"
Please don't believe in her
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